One Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10080 (212) 637-7455 (aS \ eis Aprtl 7, 198 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Prestdent The Rockefeller Untversity 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you very much for the copy of "The University and Soclety's New Demands Upon It" by James S. Coleman. | have passed It on to Maxtne Rockoff. The article does not constder the future Impact of the technologica! revolutton upon human organizations. WIIl physical centers of learn- Ing be replaced by electrontc networks, such as the EUGRAM mentloned In your paper of November 1978? {If so, might not professors galn still greater contro! over their time and greater Independence, even as they become bound more closely to each other In a worldwide web of communication? Best regards,s 4 Herbert M. Allison, Jr. ’ HMA/eg ce: Dr. Maxine L. Rockoff