:f /j/X/shipley Letter to JL from Joseph T. Shipley 20 February 1978 29 West 46th Street., 10036 Dear Joshua Lederberg, .fi Back from a brief stay in Florida, I find your welcome letter. Dr. Steigman, teacher at Stuyvesant then first principal of the High School of Music and Art, had written a history of that school, but no one has thus discussed Stuyvesant. I do, to some extent, in the book I am at work on, More or Less Me. A number of the school Alumni Bulletins give many details of its growth, and especially of its graduates; I have some of these still. I did, however, live through much of that growth. I was chairman of the Program Committee (which prepared every student's program every term) when entrance examinations were initiated. In 1939 I was assigned for the year -- along with Stuyvesant teachers Charles Granet (director) and Jerry Shur (photographer) -- to write scenarios of the N.Y. City school system, for motion pictures to be shown at the 1940 N.Y. World's Fair. When I returned to Stuyvesant in 1940 I was appointed Faculty Leader of Arista, Faculty Advisor to the Senior Class, and to the Indicator. I presided at your graduation, and at 32 of the first 100 Stuyvesant graduation exercises. Thus I probably could inform you of the items about which you inquire, but most effectively at a talk. Perhaps we can get together when you are in New York. I leave at the end of March, for two weeks in Israel, then from there to London, where Mrs. Shipley and I have a flat. We stay in England, with short trips in Europe, until the end of September. Thereafter, back in New York. By that time, I imagine, you will be at Rockefeller University. If you wish, we might meet then. At least one of the men at Rockefeller, Dr. Ling, is a Stuyvesant graduate. All the best, Joseph S..