40 A Mere STR ae \2) Wlnited States Henate Lad, « Om, oT Fy — LE OF Tue PRESS COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 December 7, 1978 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 66th Street at York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am writing to request your views on the Foundation for International i Scientific and Technological Cooperation Act which I plan to introduce — in the next Congress. The purposes of the legislation and the con- cerns that prompted its preparation are discussed in the accompany- ing statement. A copy of the draft legislation is also enclosed. The Carter Administration is considering a proposal to establish a Foundation for International Technological Cooperation. Although this proposal will share many of the objectives of my legislation, it appears there will be certain differences. With that in mind, I would welcome your comments on the following issues: ~-Should the Foundation be independent with ifs own Board of Directors, as provided for in my bill, or should it be placed with other aid agencies within the Administration's proposed International Development Cooperation Agency (IDCA)? My bill assumes that independ- ence will enhance the quality of scientific and technological work and give the Foundation greater credibility and confidence in its dealings with the third world, --Should the Foundation's programs be identified as in the Administration's listing of specific problem areas such as nutrition- al improvement in poor families and increasing rural productivity, or should the functions of the Foundation be left to its Board of Directors? Should AID programs be transferred to the Foundation as in the Administration's proposal? rw PAGE TWO --To what degree, if any, should non-U.S. nationals participate in the activities and management of the Foundation? Your comments and recommendations on other aspects of the legis- : lation are also welcome. Your views will be evaluated carefully SY prior to preparing the final version of the legislation. I would appreciate receiving your comments by January 8, 1979. With every good wish, Sincerely, My é Ede Arve Subconmittee on Science, Technology and Space Enclosures