Tuomas E, BRITTINGHAM, JR. DEertAwarReE Trust Buripinc WILMINGTON 1, DELAWARE (Dictated December 26, 1958) December 29, 1958 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Dept. University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Prof. Lederberg: I am enclosing the Saga since Sten Hager said you had asked for one and he was unable to provide it. Having heard all the reports of the Nobel festiv- ities, I must say I was highly amused to hear of all the great greetings given you by my Vikings in Stockholm. Of course, I was delighted that you carried on the spirit by wearing the medal that they concocted at the Nobel dinner. Having taken in three of these dinners in the past, one certainly gets used to all the fancy medals on the foreign people, and the Viking Nobel Prize Winner Badge really must be something. I do think by now you can see the spirit which has been engendered into these Vikings, and you can imagine by our turning out products like this in different foreign countries, how it is going to work out in the end, particularly where the Scandinavian countries tie in together in the whole Viking pro- gram. There are certainly many highly resourceful individuals who are bound to be leaders in their countries in the future. Let me again thank you for your talk before the trustees; we understood every word you said, and while we hate to lose you at Wisconsin at this time, I do hope that things will work out so that you may re-join our faculty in the years ahead. Sincerely, Arenas Efhuteigfo Thomas E. Brittingham, Jr. TEBJr: rb enc. Wwheod (165 nF El.