KXKRNEXKEKKKKEK, XNA AKA AKANE IK Department of Medical Jenetica May hi, 1957 Dear Barbee: Sauces for tw data. They came just in time to be of good use. I'm very gorry about the delay in the travel reimbursement. It is paciay my own fuult, as I put in a raquest to Bowern to have both your fares taken care of. I don't know whether this is possible; since the Department dogsn't have a regular budget allocation yet, all the incidental charges aave to ge through the dean's office, and as you know he's been aay. I'll see what can be done as soon as possible. It might speed things up df you would eign the encloaures. You might just sign Kim's nase followed by your iniidais. It would ce best if you addressed correspondence aa staaped below. Can i sak one more thing cf you, naseiy ida's itinerary? I um fairly optiaistic that a auitable offerwwill materiulize; the main source of delay may be in the Genetics Departmént, for them to decide some issues of basic policy in their relationships with the medical department. Yours, Heply to: B.S. I am enclosing a second pais of wouchers that you might well forward to Kim if plan A doesn't work out. No notarization is required; just sign at the X. P.P.S. I thought of a third gumbit, to make out a voucher to Mrs. K.C.Atwood for the same purpose. So if you want to trust ms to handle it, let's try ail three to save time. So: You sign A) as indicated above. Sign C) with your own name. fiiga Send B) to Kin for his own signature, to be returned directly to m. One or more of these should work. J.