Departaent of Medical Genetica May 10, 1957 Dean John 2. Bowers University of Wisconsin Scheel of Medicine Dear Dean Bowers: On behalf of the Department of Medical Genetics, I request your eonsideration of the appointment of Dr. KIMBALL C. ATWOOD te the rank of Aspociate Prefeaser of Medical Genetics. Although, in Assistant Professer Morten, the Departasnt can already boast of a strong shewing in Human Genetics, it is I think generally un- derstood that our entire progres within the Medical School would be greatly fertified by having a ataff member who was professimmally quali- fied in medicine. Unfortunately, M.D.'s whese credentials also include eolid training end experience in basic genetic research are vanishingly rare ~— it will, of course, be ene of the important aims of our departaent to train such students to staff parallel programs throughout the country. On both counts, Dr. Atwood is eainently, even uniquely, qualified fer the appointaent recomended hereby. While Dr. Atwoed's research has been oriented to radiation bielogy, this is due more te the cirounstances which have kept him at the Oak Ridge National Leboratery, than to a restriction ef his intereste in thia particilar area. He has frequently told me, over the years, of his interest in academic medicine fren the partioular viewpoint of genetics, and I have ne deubt whatever that his research pregran will be greatly broadened by his coming te this department. On the other hand, he has made such a valuable scientific contribution with his recent radicbiolegical studies that he should bp no means be discouraged from pursuing them further, as his own judgeent dictates, to their logical cenclusion. These contributions have ingluded an extremelg skillful methedolegy fer the detection and charac- terization of genetic lethals in Neurospera heterckaryons, which can lead to an apportionment of the various modalities of radiation damage to the cell in a way not appreachable with any other material. He finds that while moat cell-lethality must be a consequence of damage to muclear targets, the usually proposed medality of lethal autation accounts for only a mall part of the effect. There ia a second type of injury, net well understood, which infiuences the ability ef the whele nucleus to survive and function. Dr. Atarood's studics have also carried him to a remarkably preoise analysis of the dynanins of molear interaction in multinucleate or heterokarpotiv hyphal segments in Neurospora. Finally, be has recently started a novel IN REX. CG. Atwood — 2 study of seuatic mtetion in men, that is the cocurrence of A- and B- types of erythrocytes in AB indivhdlieals. ‘These studies promise an unex pemtedly facile approach to the transfer of fundemental approaches to hunan material. Dr, Atwood's influence at Oak Ridge goss far beyond the impact of his om research. It ie fair to suggest that his isfluence has hed such to do with the fundamental orientations of the pregran in Biology at the ORNL which could all too easily fell into the traps of shert-renge pre- grameing. I an not in a pesition to give a detailed judgnent of his abilities as a clinician. However, I have been in closes intellectual contact with him for fifteen years, and I have never doulsted that he had one of the keenest scientific ainds in the country. I know too that his interest in medicine is anything bet perfunctory, se that the copper tunity here should reflect his owm career interests to a remarkable degree. That is the basis on which we can hope to attract him here. I em aure that the proposals about to be presented would be quickly matched by any of a mmb@r of other schoola; his neme has been ectively discussed in cennection with several of the openings that had been presented to my ow consideration. I have no doubt myself that hie abilities end reputation would be consistent with the rank of Professer, but there is no caspslling reason why this point gano$ be deferred for a year or two. I therefore propose Dr. Atwood's appcintuent as Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, effective J 1, 1958 or within a few months thereafter. I recomend « salary of 39,000 for an acadenio-year appoint- ment, in view of his om vehement wishes in this respect. The appointaent should carry an understanding that he ia free to accept remuneration for work he may vish te do at the Marine Biological Laboratery for 3 sumer months, to do which he would doubtless make applications for research grants through that laboratory. There should also be an understanding that his rank and conditions of employment will be reviewed after two years. He would be housed, in due courses, in the Departynesés laboratories in the new Research Wing. Meantime, I em certain that muitable teaporary facilities can be arranged either in the Biochemistry or Bactertolozy buildings, where there are temporary vacancies. Falling all else, we could squeeze together in Genetics Building facilities, but this would ome se disruption, tolerable only because 1t would be for a specified, T have also laid before the Department of Geneties the question of whether they would wish to join in this eppointment om either a courtesy or a half-time bagis. The matter is under review now. To the best of my IN RE K.C, ATWOOD —- 3 knowledge none of my colleagues there vould take the least exception to my own appreaiation of Dr. Atwood's qualifications. However, the Genetics Departaent is uncertain as te its own resources with which te back wuch en appointment, and also as to details of the formal relation- ships which sheuld pertain begween the twe departments. These ques- tiens should be reselved without great delay, but it may be inadvisable te postpone preliminary review ef the propesed appointment in the medical school. Yours sincerely, Josiua Lederberg Professer of Medical Genetica P.8. I an enclosing a number of copies of « Curriculum Vitae and @ partial bibliographic list. Mere copies are readily available. Kimball C, Atweed b. New York, No¥. May 15, 1921, A.B. Columbia College 192. M.D. New York University 196. Intern (surgery), Dellevue Hospital 19):5h7, Research associate in zoolegy, Columbia University, 1947-1950, Visiting assistant professor of microbiology, Columbia, 1950e51, Sr. Biclogist, Oak Ri¢ge Natl. Labo 195l-00, Some of his principal publications are: 191 Hinton, T, and KCA. Terminal adhesions of salivary gland chromocores in Drosophila, Proe, Nat. Acad, Sci. 272))91-1:96, 1951 KCA, LK. Schneider and F.J, Ryan. Periodic selection in E, coli, Proc, Nat. Acad, Sei, 37:1)5—=155, ib, Selective mechanisms in bacteria, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant, Biol, 16:35=355, 1949 KCA and A, Norman, On the interpretation of miltiehit survival covves. roc, Nat, Acad, Sci. 35:696~709, 1953 KCA ard ¥, Mukai, Indispensable gene functions in Neurespora > Proc, Nat. Acad. Sei. 3921027-1035, 1955 KCA and T.H. Pittenger. The efficiency of mclear mixing during heterokaryen formation in Neurospora eragsa, Am. J. Bot. 2:h96-5C0, 1956 Pittenger, T.H. and KCA, Stability of melear proportions during gesrth ef Neurospora heterckaryons, Genetics 122271, Some of Atuocd’ best and most complex work, on the detection ard honolegy- capping of lethals, and on the role ef the micleus as the principal tercet of radiation damage in Neurcspora, has not yet been published in detail, His current work is on the mechaniem of radiation damage te cellniar constituents (primarily nuclear) in Neurospora, Drosophila end mice, He has also initiated a study of somatie mutation during erythropoiesis in man, ard has obtained preliminary evidence for th occurrence of aarsen: AO and EO red cells in AB individuals,