June 28, 1958 Dr. Syndey Bremer MRC Unit for Molecular Biology Cambridge, England Dear Syd: The Departments of Blochemistry and Genetics here are exploring the possibility of making anew faculty appointment in a funtamental area of biochemical genetics. Amomg suggestions for a number of candidates, tueiniet including my own, you were thought of several times. I won't ask for any concrete expression of interest on your part, as this should obviously be preceded by a conerete offer, but I would like to ask your help in preparing a 'dossier' for consideration by the committee. The situation might be a most attractive one, but I would ask that you let me know if there is any tangible reason or commitment elsewhere that should discoumage the committee from further consideration of you. I ama little sorry that the process on this occasion is a bit more formal than usual, but this is perhaps inevitable with the interests of two departments. What I would like to ask of you, then, at the earliest convenience is a detailed curriculum vitae and bibidography. (If I have ever had either of these, I can't find them now.) Esther and I will te leaving for Europe in about a month, and I imagine there is some possibility of seeing you at Royaumont or at Stockholm, If not, we expect to be driving north from London around the 22d of August + ) and wonder if there is any chance of seeing you then, If I umerstand your and Seymour's plans correcfly you will both be at Cambrddge through the summer and will be returning to Purdue in Septen- ber, (If you can manage to give me your itineraries and Francis! it might help us plan our trips to the best use.) If this is so, xmbgom I would like to ask you to visit Madison from Lafayette early in Octower or the last couple of days in September. This need not be connected with the business above. If there is some chance of getting together this summer, we can settle details then. Give my best to the gang of ceryptographers. Yours Joshua Lederberg f