December 21, 1945 Professor Edward L, Tatun Osborn Botanical Laboratory Dear Professer Tatunt I am writing to record my approval of the understantings regarding the University's support of the program in microbiology which have resulted from your recent discussions with the Provost, The Chairmen of the Department of Botany will be authorized to include in his budget each year an item of $10,000 to be earmarked for expenditure in connestion with research projects developed by yourself end your associates in the general field of microbiology. Some part of these funds will be made available during thse present academic year. The University reserves the right to apply to outside sources. for grants of funds to finance these projecte in whole or in part, and will regeri any funds thas secured as. an offset egainst the University's commitment, Steps will be taken to provide at University expanse addi- tional space for the research activities of your group within the Osborn Botanical Laboratory. The University will provide the funds needed to put the fourth floor of the building in shape, as well as the funds required to make the space vacated on the first floor effective for laboratory purposes, Approval will be given to two additional’ appointments of assistant professor rank when appropriate recommendations are made. It is expected thet these recommendations will be so spaced that one appointment will be made in the year 1946-47 and the other in the following year. The commitments stated above reflect the University’ a eordial approval of the program in microbiology and its desire to support this work not only in the ways indicated but in other ways as opportunities are presented and funds are available. Faithfully Zs Chacko S: vases