ban foamy ox P.O, Box 192 ae? West Barnet, Vermont 05870 June 29, 1977 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, Ca. 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg, I am sorry that so much time has elapsed since our last correspondence about the Visiting Committee for the Yale Gradu- ate School, but, as you may guess, it has been a long tim a- borning. It is now definitively constituted; your fellow-members are: Prof. Gabriel Almond, of the Political Science department in your own university; Prof. Hellmut Fritzsche, of the Physics department inthe University of Chicago; Prof. Robert L. Heilbroner, the economist at the New School for Social Research in NYC; Prof, Robert Helmreich, of the Psychology department in the University of Texas; Ms, Elizabeth Hall Janeway, of New York Cityx (writer), You should be receiving soon copies of documents which J] have requested the Graduate School to send to members of the Committee on the following topics: 1. Formal programs which blend the work of the regular departments with the applied approach of nolicy or professional schools; 2. Figures on the numbers and types of place- ment from the Graduate School; 3. Figures on the numbers of drop- outs before the attainment of the Ph.D. I have asked that enough years be covered by these documents to indicate trends, if any. These documents will not cover, obviously, either intra-department- al arrangements or informal thinking on the proolem of graduate training for non-academic careers, and it is my thougtt that these important dimensiondshould be covered by interview. We should, of course, talk with the dean and with representative graduate students; but we should also talk with selected department heads, senior facilty, and junior faculty, and on this selection I need your counsel. Can you let me know who and what, in terms of individuals and/or depart- ments, you think should be interviewed in reference to our pro ject? I have ovromised members of the Committee that our visit will occupy only one day, and this day will be Monday, September 19. I recall, of course, the agreement between us to the effect that you would particivate in the work of the Committee without necessarily joining in the visit. Do let me know whether you can attend on Seotember 19, and I shall either make arrangements for your visit or keep you abreast by corresvondence, accordingly. Sincerely yours a keel Teonard Krieger Geobedks e at Su