OFFICE MEMORANDUM e© STANFORD UNIVERSIT Te To From : Susiect: La Loe ar NOV 27 1974 Date: November 25, 1974 © Joshua Lederberg, Chairman HSA Search Committee William F. Massy Vice Provost for Research Uwe Reinhardt Dear Josh: I was able to meet with Dr. Reinhardt on November 22, after all. The meeting was briefer than I would have liked but I think I did get a reasonable impression of him. My basic impression is quite favorable. He is quite a sensible person and seemed to understand the role of economic analysis in health services. My impression of his own research (which I must admit I've not had a chance to read) is that it is quite good but perhaps not spectacular. He's dealing with very difficult problems in an area where data are soft, but going at it vigorously and intelligently. I think he will be a credit to the Stanford faculty in terms of published output. We also discussed his views on the role of the HSA Program, both within the Medical School and with respect to the Graduate School of Business and other parts of Stanford. He sees it as being primarily a research-facilitating organization, with the teaching of graduate and professional students being an integral part of the facilitating process. I liked the way he talked and while I have not had a chance to participate in the recent deliberations of the Committee, would tend to favor this approach. I recommend we go ahead. Y e@ OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY #© OFFICE MEMORANDUM WNONVYOWAW FDIIO © ALISHJAINN GYOANVIS @¢ WNAGNVYOWIW FDdIO @ ALISHZAINN GYOINVIS © WNANVYOWIW 3DddIO © ALISHZJAINN GYOINVLS ¢