WIN Ey PF]. ot ee eee THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 February 14, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. An Wang President Wang Laboratories, Inc. 836 North Street Tewksbury, Massachusetts 01876 Dear Dr. Wang: Guessing, quite correctly, that your name might be well known to me the secretary's office referred your letter of February 6th to me for reply. I do not know the level of detail that you would wish in our response, so I have taken a middle course in sending you the enclosed material that does have considerable historical information. The authoritative "A History of the Rockefeller Institute 1901-1953" by George W. Corner was published in 1964 and gives con- siderable detail about the founding of the Institute. One of our venerable professors, Rene J. Dubos, recently wrote "The Professor, the Institute, and DNA" which also gives considerable background materiad on the early days of the Institute as well as a scientific biography of Oswald T. Avery. I might say that both of these works were quite helpful to me in my own considerations about coming here (which I did very recently). As both of these books were published by the Rockefeller University Press it would be quite convenient for me to arrange to send you copies with our compliments if you are so dis- posed. . As to current activities we face a similar problem of choice of level of detail. TI decided to send you our current academic catalogue which gives an account of our rather selective educational program. But I would com- mend your attention especially to the overview of re- search activities that begins at page 26. We can, if av. $f 129 Dr. An Wang February 14, 1979 -2- you like, also readily provide the annual scientific report which goes into substantially more detail ana bibliography. Finally, let me offer you what I hope you may see as an opportunity rather than an obligation, and that is to visit the University and myself personally at your convenience. One of my specific objectives is to enhance the vitality of information, technology and sciences in the service of biomedical research. I am enclosing a reprint that may tell you something of my outlook and experience at Stanford University in these dimensions. We are most happy to respond to your interests and I hope you will avail yourself of the opportunity to inform yourself more deeply, as this institution has few avenues other than these kinds of contact for a broader public understanding of our mission. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Encls.