Febr. 20, 1957 Dear Kime Here's the latest on MedicalGenetics at Wisconsin. The Exemutive Committee and the Dean have concurred in setting up the Department. The President and Regents would still have to confira the appointment, but from my Biscussion with Pres. Fred, I see no hesi-~- tation on it. We will have to begin making more concrete plans about 'x', Our 'Third Man', The obvious next step would be for you to visit us, when and as soon as you could. Naturally, the medical school will pay your travel expenses, Unfortunately, Esther and I are leaving for a month in England in just two weeks, and it might make it frantic for all of us te press you to com before then. But don't hesitate to call me if you have any thourhte on this. I do hope to prevail on you to visit for a couple of days in early April- leb's say as soon as possible after April 10, by when I'm pound to be back, Please let me know how this strikes you. We leave here Mar.6, then Paris (F¢tgy Pasteur Inst) for the week. We will be various places in PAZphd Britain till the end of the month, includins & session at a place in NE Scotland (Angus County)-O0- it may be too early in the year to be pleasant. If necessary, you could write me c/o Cibe Foundation, 41 Portland Place, London. No other developments-- I wish we were as clearheaded as the medical school arrancements seem to be, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberz