STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Mou. 1, 1976 Dear Nancy Eb yan Thank you SO MUCH for those letters. What a flood of recollections they brought back: about Jack and Arnold and Bob, and about the girl I had loved. (You know I still see and correspond with Judy from time to time -- she moved with her family to Walnut Creek, Calif., has had a happy life and children, and is one of the most generous cheerful people I know -~ despite having had a spinal injury that caused her enormous pain and total paralysis below the waist! ) And did you know that Arnold was murdered by his girlfriend, I think when he decided to return stateside - without her.! I've lost track of Bob Mavis. I'm sorry that I just don't recognize most of the pictures, of course with the exception of Jack's occasional appearance. I have marked 1) that I suspect probably is Bob Mavis; and 2) that might be Arnold: more robust and of course older than I would have known him. Enclosed are a few pages from the Stuyvesant 1941 yearbook that I retrieved recently from my mother (in Jerusalem), so you might be able to decide for yourself. What a horrible, ghoul-like crime that was! Must be a gang that looks through the new columns for likely cases like that to prey upon. Yours, gratefully,. PS My ‘home address is Dr. Joshua Lederberg 2 143) PITMAN AVE. PALO ALTO, CALIF 94301 (415-327-6014) DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 497-5052