fe ‘Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin, March 2, 1948. Year Jack, Your experiment worked-— I got yous letter—— and this is the right address. (As you can probablyg see, I type as badly or worse than ever, although on a very fine Underwood Master, with a 134" beam that the UW provides.) I don't know which of my earlier letters you did get, can't even remember whether I wrote once, twice, or more. I hope you don't take too seriously what you read in Time. Considering what they did to us, I'm gust as glad that they didn't drag my name into it, too, The facts are that we were very very lucky, hit on something very hot (sexuality in bacteria) and are both still riding rather high on it. (nee in a while I still get insulting letters from some of the bigshots in the field who think we should do the experiments they think up rather than our own, but by and large I think our work 4a generally accepted. And it is a gold-mine, I don't mean only that it got this very comfortable job for me, where I only have 66 spend 10% of my tine teaching what I like, and most of the rest writing up projects to squeeze money out of RockeZeller and Uncle Sam, but aleo in the experiments we can do Raw with bacterfa— re the physiology of the gene, pathogenicity, and soon. You reaember I was merely on leave of absence from P&S, and was planning to go back there and take my M.D. but I'm not at all sorry that I chose te come here instead. “hat I said before was in joking, actually most of my tise is in research, and 1 won't bore you now tellingg about it. For the first time, Esther and I have found an apartment (furnished) to live. in~ have been staying there since Christmas. Landlord trouble—- he likes to take vacations over the Winter, we have noone to avipe to. We've been married somewhat over a wear now, and if the first year is the hardest, then it's bliss. Brother Seymourfis in the Mavy, believe it or not, and is overwintering in Porto Riso, with an ETM+3 on his arm, He's getting out in the Spring and hopes to start at Cornell in the Fall. Meanwhile, he's heen boning up on USAFI, and if he had anything to fo with it mkkk would graduate from Cornell in about three months. Maybe he slow up after he gets to like it. His job now 4s to nurse a transgitter at some desolate station (sans officers) én the island, and from what he writes, it doen't sound like much work. I don't know why I'm so loquacious now, when I should be groggy from finishing the nth revision of a review paper I started writing over a year ago. By the time it's in print, it will certainly be out of date. Which reminds me, let me know if you want any reprinte of papere on bacterha. They#ie no models of acientific writing, I can tell you. That groggy feeling is coming back now though, so I'll close, oid bean. Along with your own fartunes, send me a brief on Periow and Mavis if you know anything. Last I'd heard about Arnold he was in Bermany , illegally married and liking it there. Ye old Cucklebunny,