qa im Febr. 11, 1957 Dear Kim: Thanks for your letter, I will certainly go ahead:to what can be done. The salary expectation may be unrealistic, in terms current levels here —though I'm sure you can manage that elsewhere-- but we'll see what some pressure can bring forth. In additioh, there are solid hopes of an in- provement of general faculty salaries by legislative action now pending. Before our affairs get tangled hadly, I'd better lay all my cards on the table. Please keep this discreséé (though the grapevine s& already loaded) 1. I have a concrete offer fron Berkeley-Genetics, which represents the most attractive lure apart from here. This is under close consideration and we won't decide for another few weeks. 2. I have an equally concrete’ offer from Stanford (Biology), concurrent with 1. 1 & 2 are mutually interchangeable in the stochastic array below. 3. Dean Bowers is most enthusiastic about a Department of Medical Genetics end is wonvinced in principle of the necessity of a third appointment. The proposal is under study now by the medical faculty, and while there may be some interesting questions, it seems likely that it will be established, In addition, McArdle Kew. (Ven Potter etc) is getting more intepested in cellular biology = genetics, and there are good pormmex prospeets for an appointment there that might effectively represent a 4th co-member, Further, ditto in Genetics, vice myself, I hope in the direction of cytogenetica, The tactical situation is, as you sag, very complicated, the more so as there is a emgm weave of timing and personalities to cope with. But worst of all is trying to decide what we should do, after weighing them probabilities, Now there are many interesting permutations of (JL,KCA)(1,2,3). J3.K3 is what wetre talking about now, and, honestly, represents a very large components of the attractiveness of J3. The others bring on mental fatigue, and it would be premature to discuss tham before J is settled. However, if we should elect J1, I hope that would not preempt K3 (from either side); J1.K2 is not so unat- tractive to my mind either, but too hypothetical just now. The whole situation 4s touch and go, which stresses the necessity for prompt and effective mommunication (complamated by our going to England Maren CG April 1!) I can't ask any more of you now, until seme proposals can be forru- lated here, except to think hard ahout your ends and means, and to let me know 1ff anything else develops at your end that would be relevant, Yours, ~,