Marsh 28, 1938. lp, Anthony Iannone, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York 32, N.Y. Dear Tony, I'm writing this letter on University stationery because I have a small busi~ ness request to make of you, namely to mention to Diek Krakaur that there might be room here next year for research in genetics of bacteria, if he would be interested, and to suggest that he, or anyone else, write to me as soons/ as possible. The kind of work for which we have financial support is in two main directions: 1) the genetics of Salmonella, particularly the fhhgellar antigens, in association with Irwin's group, and 2) gene-enzyme studies in E. coli, Neurospora, etc. Some hot stuff is coming out on thds which bids fair to invalidate the "one-to-one" theory, but I'll tell you more about this when we come to New York the week of the 18th df April, when I hope we can get together. How have ypar personal difficulties been resolved? I hope everything has orfwill turn out for the better. Sincerely, Josma Lederberg