JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK., CHAIRMAN SUBCOMMITTEE: AS M. JACKSON, WASH, KARL E, MUNDT, 8. DAK. HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, MINN., CHAIRMAN S: AM J. ERVIN, JR., N.C, CARL T. CURTIS, NEBR, JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK. HOMER £&. CAPEHART, IND, HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, MINN, HOMER E, CAPEHART, IND. ERNEST GRUENING, ALASKA KARL E. MUNDT, $. DAK. é ERNEST GRUENING, ALASKA EDMUND &. MUSKIE, MAINE aane even neous, cnr even United Gtates DHenate COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON REORGANIZATION AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (PURSUANT To 5. RES. 62, 0TH CONGRESS) March 26, 1959 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, Califomia My dear Professor Lederberg: Sincerest thanks for your very splendid response to our Subcommittee inquiry. It provided so mich food for thought on so many phases that it would be hara to attempt to comment on even the principal constructive points which you raised. I do, however, single out for note your very important observations on the present unfortunate exclusion of education facilities from U. g. research aid. Right now we are in the process of working out various amendments to the Hill Bill in order to assure its greatest possible effectiveness. . Congratulations on your very eloquent acceptance address at the Nobel Ceremony in Stockholm. I hope to be in touch with some of your collaborators as time permits. that you would like to share with the Subcommittee ag regards some of the future ramifications of your own and other genetic studies. With best wishes, I am Sincerely, HHH/a Subcommittee Chairman