* LISTER HILL, ALA., CHAIRMAN JAMES E. MURRAY, MONT. H, ALEXANDER SMITH, N, J. JOHN F. KENNEDY, MASS. . IRVING M. IVES, N. Y. PAT MCNAMARA, MICH. ‘ WILLIAM A. PURTELL, CONN, WAYNE MORSE, OREG. BARRY GOLDWATER, ARIZ. STROM THURMOND, 3. C. ‘ GORDON ALLOTT, COLO. RALPH YARBOROUGH, TEX. JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, KY. WMrited Hitafes Henate STEWART &, MC CLURE, CHIEF CLERK COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE Montgomery, Alabama November 25, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin My dear Dr. Lederberg: I am just in receipt of your letter of the 19th, which has been forwarded to me from my Washington office, and want to thank you for your kind personal references to me regarding my work in behalf of our Science, Education and Medical Research Programse I deeply appreciate your generous words with reference to the Hill-Elliott Defense Education Act. I am glad to have your suggestion for broadening the program, and I have read your proposal with much interest. I hope you will let me have the benefit of any further thinking you may have in connection with the program. 7 ‘yt It is so gratifying to know of your interest in our International Medical Research Program. As you say, medical programs in other countries will profit the citisens of our country incalculably. Your letter strengthens and encourages me in my efforts and you my be assured that I will work for expeditious passage of the bill in the next session of Congress. I do hope you will find your new duties at Stanford University interesting and stimlating, and I send you my best wishes for continued success in your future endeavors. I have been glad to make the necessary arrangements for you to continue to receive mailings from my Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare at Stanford after February 1, 1959. With kindest regards and best wishes, I am Very sincere LH: mdm