LISTER HILL, ALA., CHAIRMAN JAMES E. MURRAY, MONT. H. ALEXANDER SMITH, N. J. JOHN F. KENNEDY, MASS. IRVING M, IVES, N. Y. PAT MCNAMARA, MICH. WILLIAM A. PURTELL, CONN. WAYNE MORSE, OREG. BARRY GOLDWATER, ARIZ. STROM THURMOND, $. Cc. GORDON ALLOTT, COLO. o RALPH YARBOROUGH, TEX, JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, KY. 2 (nifea Dtate ss Denate STEWART E. MCCLURE, CHIEF CLERK COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE Montgomery, Alabama November 14, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin My dear Dr, Lederberg: Ihave just returned from Dallas, Texas, where I spoke at the American Dental Association convention and this is the first opportunity I have had to send you my hearty congratulations on your Nobel prize award. I know how richly you deserve this high honor for your out- standing research accomplishments and I am proud of you both as an American and as one who has a deep and abiding interest in the battle for the health of our people, Your great contributions to the attack on mankind's ancient scourges ~~ disease and disability -- lead me to hope that you may find time to read the enclosed reprint from the Congressional Record about a legislative proposal for international cooperation in medical research, which I introduced in the closing days of the past session of Congress. It is my plan to reintroduce the measure with full bi~ partisan support when Congress meets in January and to vigorously press for its enactment, Again, let me commend you for the honor you have brought to yourself and to our country. With kindest regards and all good wishes, I am Very sincerely, LH:dwe Enclosure