OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS COMPANY A DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE AND CARBON CORPORATION Oa POST OFFICE BOX P OAK RIDGE, TENN. Feb. 8, 1957 Dear Josh, This long overdue reply will not be complete and I am sending it only to put an end to deley. I am very interested in joining the proposed department if conditions are favorable, and I need hardly add that your presence is to me one of the most favorable conditions imaginable. Other conditions that I would regard favcrebly are; 1, Salary. $12,000 on = twelve month basis. (I now make “9,400). 2. Moving expenses from Oak Kidge to Madison, ca. $500. S. Research. Iwill support my research through outside grants, the university to provide normal facilities and rent a summer laboratory at the M.B.Le, Woods Hole. 4, Consultation. Always accessible, but no fixed commitments at the outset. Oo. Teaching. The course should be planned jointly by all three of us, sparing uo effort to make it a stimulatin, and significant experience for the students, Provision should be made for a limited number of greduate students. S$. Reporting date. Six months from the time arrangements are completed. I have been appreached by Jenftins at Berreley, but have expressed no interest in the position pending the outcome of the present negotiations. We have bought our house here and are now in the proeess of building a large addition to it. I don't anticipate any difficulty in selling it if we move. We are also expecting another F, in July. Next week in the laboratory I am facing a prospect so exciting I can hardly keep fron spouting off about it prematurely; I will refrain until then, however, if only to avoid the imputation of being a mere windbag without substence. .y best to you and Esther. a / j i yr