Ldward WM. Kennedy Massachusetts Wnited States Senate WASHINGTON, DC 20510 March 20, 1992 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10024- 6399 Sa at Dear Josh: It was good to see you at the TAB-TAAC breakfast yesterday morning. As promised, I enclose a copy of the Health America legislation, and would welcome any comments you may have. I appreciate your continued service on the Technology Assessment Advisory Council, as do the other members of the Technology Assessment Board. Jack Gibbons mentioned at breakfast that we like to hear how OTA is playing "outside the Beltway," and I think that perspective is especially important as we enter OTA's third decade. I look forward to seeing you at OTA's 20th anniversary celebration, if not before. Best wishes. Sincerely, Sal i ae