March 12, 1959 Mr. Walt Kelly c/o Simon + Schuster New York, 6.Y. Dear Mr. Kelly: One of your admirers (myself) was delighted to read the G.0. Fizzickle Pogo, which has so much practical wisdom. {§ was especially diverted to notice (In some early chapters) that Pogo was quite disinterested in'messing up the moon’ -- | forget now (having had to part with my own copy), but was a Starting a soclety? Howbelt, I couldn't refrain from remarking on this bond of common Interest, It would be an unequal bargain, but could | ask you to part with a print of this scene for a small consideration, e.g., the enclosed reprint on the Same subject? Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ‘(9 Cf yy Dw P.S. 1 could have made some more profound remarks about the interplay of Art and Science, but I*don't have @ typewriter with the Gothic typeface that you have made necessary for: the event.