THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Lik bother oe Ff COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE wu woe, Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS January 27, 1957 Dear Kim: My dictated disk does not seem to have gotten a rise out of you, but per- haps this can be put down to its own vagueness and not to your own reputation for irresponsiveness, I am sorry to appear to be so brusque at this point, but the fact is that I have to start making some critical decisions for myself, And I am still hope- ful that you might figure in some of them, If you're not interested, please say so, rather than lead me to that inference by your prolonged silence. Unfortunately I have scarcely a month, or I would try to be more diplomatic, But anyhpw, I am going to let my hair down, and discuss same of my hopes, and ask that you do the same in kind. This is not the way to conduct !formal negotiations! but 'nothing you say will be used against you', Here's the story (which has crystallized since the record was mailed); 1. On one hand, I have a cross-fire of offers from Stanford-Biology (vice Tatum) and Berkeley-Genetics (vice Clausen), They are both quite attractive to us a) as an educational change of scene, b) the geographic and climatic setting and ¢) same specific factors, @.g., the DNA-biochemistry at Berkeley; Dave Perkins and some prospective new appointments at Stanford, as well as certain red~tape advantages at the latter, 2. On the other hand, 'medical genetics' is moving ahead at Wisconsin. In sume ways, I would have preferred that the qustion of my own role there have been left to simmer another year or two--e.g, while trying to push for an offer to you meanwhile, while I stayed at Genetics-~ but the California matter is bbinging matters to a crisis. The following concrete proposal is about to be discussed by a faculty committee; it already has very substantial backing from people of good judgment and influence: that a Department of Medical Geneties be incor- porated into the medical school, to consist of Newton Morton, "x" and myself, As a matter of personal importance, this department would maintain the closest relations with Genetics (I would keep my appointment there, and 'x! would have to command the respect and interest of that department). The role of this depart- ment would be within the scope of that mmaem memomandum we discussed when you visited here, Facilities should be available for us in new construction now al- most completed, and in a new research wang which has been appropriated for. Now I have the ticklish problem of finding the solution for x = KCA..I mm not sure that I want to accept the commitment if this proves impossible, but there isn't time (vis-a-vis California) to find this out experimentally. So a number of decisions that ought to be made sequentially have to be judged together, I am doing my best to interest UW in this equation; tf the Department proposal is mutually accepted, I would expect to have a more or less free hand in recommending who x gught to be but there will remain the problem of finances, This can probably be worked out to provided I can get some concrete understanding as to, and with x. So this is what I am going to ask for, and can reasonably expect to get: x= Associate Professor (i.e. tenure) in Medical Genetics, at say $8500 p.@. (I hope you don't balk at that figure: UW has a well established histary of relatively * anal ppm Gliders 5 by nemuane gerits aitlled rrdy on Bat cane batters TE rain uton’ low initial offers, followed by remarkably rapid advances thereffter, This is my best guess as to what I could wangle, but if you could make a showing that this would not be competitive with your present salary, or with your alternative EEmERM prospects, something more might be done. I personally would not con- sider you in the right setting at less than a full professorship and 10,000 (not as a plateau, but as a current standing) but I would be concretely disap- pointed if it took two, at most three, years to reach that, As tem to operating funds and facilities, I can only say that anyone on campus has been able to get what he reasonably needed (that is for his research, not his prestige) between state funds, WARF, and outside grants, Rather than discuss that, I would rather take for granted that a rapprochement would be worked out-- and if it can't than it won't, bat we can't discuss that in detail now. However, if you mmx anticipate any extraordinary features of this aspect, please let me know. The most reasonable time to put this in effect would be July 1958, but this is quite flexible. I think youm understand the mission and terms of the appointment. Most of your Nawxkkkx time would be on your own research. What you work on is your own business, but if you had no interest whatever in broader relations to medicine, you probably wouldn't care for the job. We also want you to join in organizing a coherent program of collateral research and graduate training in medical genetics sensu latu, The formal teaching requirements appear to be nominal: we have to work out among themselves what we felt we should do. One inteeesfxing angle is a medical science program that is being worked experimentally, to try to train about 10 medical students to be full-blown scientists as wells as practitioners, by taking another year or two in their studies (If have my doubts ahout this particular approach, but it may lead to more effective routes to the same end.) Another angle to the same end is post-graduate medical training in genetics; the resources of both departments are here, But our first obligation is that our own individual research be inherently good and directed to fundamental problems, obvious relevance to medicine notwithsaadding. (I have no intention of changing the ditection of my own research program, at least not on this account.) I will mustetiy modestly assume that the leadership of this program would most effectively rest on my shoulders for the time--but even if you could imagine me as an autocrat, there is a strong tradition of faculty democracy here, and in any case I would not propose that the (I hope not too onerous) administrative burdens be left unshared, Now here is what I ask yf you. This is the program I am proposing to the medical school, It is morelikely to be effective if I can name you as target x (so send me a vita and a bibliography; most important an expression of your interest in the program, and your analytical views as to your place in it, research interests, what med, gen. ought to be, etc.) I am not silly enough to ask you to accept an offer you haven't received. If you can tell me what might be wrong with this draft, and whether you are interebéed enough to encourage me to keep x=KCA as a consideration in my own thinking, that's what I'm mainly after, But I must hear from you soon. Needless to say, this trouble on my part (even if it is pompously expressed) only measures how much TI would value our working together again, I am sorry that circumstances tend to pht us, for the moment, in an administmative relationship, but those circumstances would start to melt as soon as you were here, The sooner we can light the fire, the better. Yrs,