2 4 vo un} : January 27, 1957 Dear Kims Did you receive my dictated disk about a month ago? Should I interpret your silence as diainterest or preoccupation, or are these the same? Anyhow, Medical Genetics is moving very rapidly to a head now—partly : ~ - ‘because I have to make a decision myself about an attractive offer elsewhere. . I am still not in a position to relay any concrete offers, but if you would be interested in the setup we discussed with Dean Bovers « year and some ago, os your comment on this would max be helpful, At that time you had promised to Wy draw up your own commentary on what medical genetics ought to he, and how you could fit into its if you could do that now, 1t would be very helpful/. oN Needless to see, having you at Madison, and your enthusiasm for this aol venture (which could be a deparpment with Stamm Newton Morton,you and me) Phong _ would be an important factor in our ow deliberations. But wmmmmt we need some sign of that enthusiasm, hoping 1t extats. (Don't be afraid you'd be weakening any bargaining strength by seeming too interested; quite the contrary, in fact Dean Bowers may have had reason to conclude yeu were somewhat lukewarm _ about it.) If we can sell this principle to the medical schcol, and with your my. help there are very good prospects of it, I am sure an offer will follow that should meet your reasonable expectations, and then soze, oT . You don't have to canpose a formal document. In fact, TI would suggest i: that you just write informally to me. But if you have some hotter irons in the fire, please lev me knew, \ fi In any case, warmest regards (it's been about -10 here) end di wy yours, | Joshua Lederberg < f’ nm { get ous “Tt — : f: of g af POE Lage og oo MN, fy ” 30/2 4 ~ hy Ctr aBaol # ’ ls, a LO ce ERM Ee, é oe / : A a a” if, . lan . “f off. . Pcaeatel < poate. \ und a here . f- ‘ ff ‘ WHR 7 i . ; , / ft ¥ eda poe and pion [orbs flor Corer. jae St ors 7 an be . : (1 . 3 . ’ fe Wiha atl yr MH ! Auger