. es / February 1, 1949. re: Dr. H. Loring, Depurtaent of Chanistry, od - Stanford University, . ‘ us ae a - California,” . oe ne. oO Dear Bovibaring, a, oe 7 I would appreciate it if you could place my name on your nailing List and perhaps send me available reprints of publications fros _ your labora tory on the beh avior of purins-,and pyTsmActnateds: — Neurospot. mutants ». Thank you. , 7 . Sincerely, yo! : — Joshya Ledesberg Assistunt Professor of Genetiss, i | : eo ye . y ” ~ ‘ 1 ‘ ° . . 7 7 & \ : : “ \ e by : ke be oy r . . : ue / wat y e \ ’ ° " * ° m , ) ;