Ph Mee ns. yo piMaa, Hy Th No ELLER UNIVERSITY S| Rockefeller\ ©THE ROCKEF a University < 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 Oy AP December 11, 1978 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Theodore Cooper Dean Cornell University Medical College 1300 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Ted: I had the pleasure last week of a visit with Miss Margaret Hamburg, whom I knew at Stanford from the time she was a very young girl. She graduated recently from Radcliffe and is spending this year at a laboratory at the National Institutes of Mental Health to sharpen her- self in practical laboratory biochemistry. She is now applying to medical school and told me that she was particularly interested in Cornell. She took the occasion to discuss her background, plans and intentions for a couple of hours so as to have had a probe that would enhance the materiality of this letter. Our very detailed discussion reinforces my overall and long standing impression of her as a very capable and well motivated young woman indeed, who has all the attributes that you could be looking for among prospec- tive candidates for a medical career. In view of the illustrious medical background of her parents I wanted to be particularly sure that she was coming along under her own steam; and about that I have no doubt whatsoever. She is particularly interested in developmental aspects of clinical medicine; and her by now rather variegated background hangs together very well as preparation for Such a career. She has gotten her feet wet in clinical experience and also in epidemiological and laboratory investigation. I believe that she will be not only a first class student but a gifted doctor. Yo Sincerely,