DEC g {978 Dear Tash 1 Thank yu se mith for a dkelghIVO/ weekrnd, Zt was real to SL al! ow 4 v afr Stith a fora JOU e. d Enthstd) a0 some Or Wht Jekiia te Vii!” Wwe Wtusseq ZI Hope That fhe y will be Mejores /2 ee, Wer Falk fhe ofter sight! Was extreme ly ULLE/, andl stinilate” me po sturh (nting strakg se s ° . | | SYNCL PP 1g 7 Washing ton L£ 4ave Se Cee! th firalior or 7g atte Dance al hike Pitted taf | Sthool { (Lo phikriventd Shere Jape yor z) Need less 7? 5&4 LZ ata Jiri Med, aV THA Lay no fh Wtake a for! Aenstin WY F fay hear (Bony SCKCTA / aba Wy oltr school, [ak tontnvues jo be 4 firsp chore, L am tnelesing a xh BK She Qa tlre Sse of She four schools /tat are of fertiilar j4 Fn csr 0 me, ZF Map ly yypreuake for tev thin Wein fo Wri on oy be hale as well as MV ‘aomn atch advice. ZY L tnd Hag S fF th Flt tage y (evhor of having 2 nuke a Cherte bef wet Sthiaoly age Stas ZZ etl SCL for advice : CAA Onn SAIC tA By . J SCA) (4g Leif (ogares ovr jer / Mom and bad! AS. Just a remineler VAa 7p wy CA Rif hearne 15 Vet gare 4tan /timn big fre 4g AY