¢ Spent ELLER Uy Mei . GEC 271079 SENIOR ASSOCIATE REON SISENBERG, M.D. z CHILOREN’S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER MAUDE AND LILLIAN PRESLEY JAR re: 300 LONGWOOD AVENUE emer sssondr Sy eniAT ay BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02115 617-734-6000, EXT. 2545 HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY 20 December 1979 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: Thank you very much for the lovely letter about Betty. Obviously, I didn't need it to be convinced but it is one of the sacred rites of academe that one accumulate a substantial dossier, no matter how sure one is one has a winner. It will be a joy to all of us to have Betty and David here next year. Happy Chanukah. Yours ‘sincerely, Leow Eisenberg, M.D. LE:CM / » Hort —_