wot te a sor . fa toe . el erg 2 © THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY rm of Rockefeller “A Universit N y 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 O Yr? ey oS December 13, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Leon Eisenberg Department of Psychiatry Childrens Hospital Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Dear Leon: I am delighted to respond to your request for an ap- praisal of Dr. Beatrix A. Hamburg for a professorship at Harvard. I am not the one to give you a detailed peer appraisal of her research in psychiatry of adolescents Since this is rather out of my own field of scientific expertise. However, I have sat on search and appraisal committees and have received abundant support for her professional work from others in the field. What I can offer about Betty is the fruit of almost 20 years of quite close association with her as _ well as her husband David. In the course of that entire time hardly a month has gone by that I have not had the chal- lenge and reward of matching wits with her over the broadest possible range of issues, ranging from my own science to hers, and including every other aspect of aca- demic medical interest, as well as innumerable other issues of psychiatric, social and science policy. She has one of the shrewdest intellects I know in her ability to penetrate to the heart of any problem; to ask concise cogent questions that clear up as much for the questionee as for herself. She is a person of extraordinary integ- rity and practical idealism and one you cannot afford not to have on your faculty. a If there were any possibility of her being interested in a position in New York I would hasten to invent an aca- demic vacancy, if necessary, and be confident of abundant harvest doubly from her own investigative programs and from her role of roving intellect throughout the programs of the institution. Dr. Leon Eisenberg December 13, 1979 -2- Obviously I believe you are very lucky to have an opportunity to recruit her and I hope she will be as happy with you as you surely will be with her performance. You Sincerely, Josfiua Lederberg