DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFA ES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE, AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION \— NATIONAL INSTITUTE OP A 9000 ROCKVILLE PIKE BETHESDA. MARYLAND 20014 September 10, 1979 AREA CODE 30! TEL: 656-4000 Dr. Joshua Lederberg 4 ( President, Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: I greatly appreciate your willingness to write in support of my appointment to the faculty at Harvard. I am enclosing a CV for your convenience. You already know a great deal about my activities here in Washington. These years have been very exciting. It has been gratifying to have continuity with the work that I initiated at Stanford in early adolescence, coping and peer counseling. I have also been fortunate in having the chance to expand my interests in endocrine-behavior interactions through efforts in juvenile diabetes. Needless to say, I was very gratified by the success of the recent National Conference on Behavioral and Psychosocial Issues in Diabetes that I organized and chaired. There is already a long list of requests for the monograph we are editing based on this conference. I will probably continue collaborations in the diabetes areas at Harvard. I also expect to spend part of my time at Harvard on health policy relating to children and youth. The experience that I had as Director of Studies for the President's Commission on Mental Health, and then subsequently, with its Implementation Task Force was a great learning experience both in terms of issues and processes. » Leon Eisenberg may be writing to you shortly in his official capacity. Thank you again for your kind consideration. Sincerely yours, Beatrix A. Hamburg, M.D. Research Psychiatrist Laboratory of Developmental Psychology National Institute of Mental Health Bldg. 15K Enclosure