MNMN ANowaAN Nw Jy PwRrn rn 1yN DION GoCREFELtER WS mea0 12 nw, {APR 20 198: * THE FIRST WORLD CONFERENCE ON THE JEWISH FAMILY HERITA Op, — RW / August 16-20, 1981 LICE ee JERUSALEM, ISRAEL, ==dNE 1981 DOSWIT? OF THE PR Our ref; 864/6/81 April 9, 1981 Prof. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave. and 66th Street New York, N.Y. 10021 U.S.A. Dear Professor Lederberg, I hope that you have received my last letter in which we have informed you of the postponement of our Conference to the Month of August 16-20, and I therefore sincerely hope that we shall have the pleasure of having you with us as our guest of honor. There will also be a symposium on Jewish Genetics and we would consider it as a very great privilege if you would accept our cordial invitation to preside this symposium. I am also sending you few letter which we have received and which show the interest in our Conference is growing in many circles in the world at large. Looking forward to hear from you and to have you with us I remain meanwhile with my warmest wishes for a joyful Passover~Pessach. Cordially yours, Tone Der Toane _— Prof. Isac Halbrecht Teed Dare reey — \ - . b a g\ hecept: CI weppraott Arm yu Grd ulisheo , UN egrets 03°654571 poop ,waN-dbN 29784 tn {09 Secretariat: P.O.B. 29784, Tel Aviv, Israel, Tel: 0 1, Telex: 341171 KENS IL