SORE EREEA Wiey Ke “we 7 say, MAR 27 1830 0, Ce oF tye nes INSTITUTE FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ON THE JEWISH FAMILY AND COMMUNITIES IN ISRAEL AND THE DIASPORA Branch of the B. Gattegno Research Institute j Animngr2 Ipmn> jisna nveviva nyenapa anawnn yw niyianil INIW?7I viva wy rman apn pana aby) (mpncnns yw won ma Petah-Tikva, P.O.B, 121, Israel Tel. 928111 .9D Mmpmrnny 121.7 A of Human Reproduction, Hasharon Hospital Petah-Tikva, Israel Our ref; 143/6/80 March 16, 1980 Prof. Joshua Lederberg President A fp Rockefeller University _ ak York Ave. and 66th Street New York, N.Y. 10021 U.S.A. Dear Prof. Lederberg, In June 1981 the First WORLD CONFERENCE ON THE JEWISH FAMILY HERITAGE will take place in Jerusalem, under the auspices of the President of the State of Israel, Mr. Yizhak Navon, and in collaboration with all major Jewish organizations in Israel and the Diaspora. In behalf of the Organizing Committee I have the honor of conveying to you our wa cordial invitation to join the Honorary Presidency and Sponsorship Committee of the Conference. Many of the renowned scholars and experts of Jewish history, religion, culture, sociology, demography, education and prominent leaders of Jewish communities, have already accepted our invitation to lecture at and participate actively in the discussions and deliberation of this important meeting, the first of its kind. We anticipate that this important meeting of the spiritual, social and educational leaders of the Jewish communities from all over the world, will reach important decisions as to the ways and means of safeguarding the Jewish Family Heritage, which has been responsible for the preservation of the physical existence and spiritual uniqueness of our people during its long dispersion. It is also hoped that this Conference will be instrumental in creating a central body of Jewish spiritual and communal leaders which will assume the important function of continuously and scientifically surveying the rapid and often radical changes occurring in the Jewish communal and Family life, which endanger the continuity of our existence as a people and as a unique entity which has so much contributed to Humanity. I am sure that you too are aware of acuteness of these problems and will join us in trying to find adequate answers to and solutions of them. so On this occasion I also wish to convey to you the good news, that during my recent visit to Salt Lake City, I was furtunate enough to acquire a photocopy of all the Archives of the Jewish communities in Poland as well as an option on the rest of the very important Jewish documentary material in the possession of the Genealogical Society of Utah. Researchers in the various fields of history, sociology, philology etc. of the University of Tel-Aviv and of the Oxford University will shortly be able to work on them. I shall be visiting the States at the end of April or the beginning of May and will , Lo be delighted to meet with you on this occasion if this will be convenient to you. Looking forward to hear from you, I remain with my kindest personal regards. Sincerely yours, “ypbrdlrcely Prof. I. Halbrecht