a4 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE i STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 JOSHUA LEDERBERG JOSEPH D. GRANT PROFESSOR oF GENETICS April 11, 1978 L Dr. Neil Grunberg 139 Colabaugh Pond Road Croton-on-Hudson, New York 10520 Dear Neil: It was very nice to hear from you especially when it had such basically positive news about yourself and yours. It is really very thoughtful of you to offer us the access to your home; and, while I do not’ see any good way to take advantage of it before we have moved to New York, perhaps we will have other opportunities later on. It is interesting that you should have mentioned Dalton, for that is where my son David has enrolled for the 9th grade starting this fall. All best wishes. Yours sincerely, JL/ gel