S. WILLIAM GREEN . WASHINGTON OFFICE: 181rn District, New York 1118 LONGworTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WAsHINGTON, D.C. 20515 COMMITTEES: (202) 225-2436 * BANKING. | FINANCE AnD Congress of th e Gnited States NEW YORK OFFICES: 1628 SECOND AveNuE (84TH STREET) . New Yor«, New Yoru 10028 SUBCOMMITTEES: HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT House of Representatives (212) 826-4466 GeiKRAL Guemaiair aun menecoriarion Washington, D.C. 20515 229 First Avenue (14TH STREET) ‘ New York, New York 10003 SELECT COMMITTEE ON AGING (212) 26-4466 June 27, 1980 Mr. Joshua Lederberg, President Mr. Rodney W. Nichols, Executive Vice-Pres. The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, N.Y. 1002] Dear Mr. Lederberg and Mr. Nichols: Thank you for your letter regarding AID's request to reprogram $2 million into the World Health OrganizationS "Special Programme of in Human Reproduction." I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me on this matter and please excuse the late reply. S. 2714, which calls for an authorization for the program of interest to you was passed by the Senate last week. There has not been action on this proposal in the House Foreign Affairs Committee as of yet. Should such a funding bill result, you can be assured that I will keep your views in mind. Again, thank you for writing. Please continue to contact me on matters of importance to you. ember of Congress BG/jl THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS