OY The : 5/ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY A University J 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 100214 ree 3 TOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT 29 April 1980 The Honorable William S. Green L The United States House of Jee” Representatives 1118 Dirksen New Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Mr. Green: We are writing to recommend that you support the re- guest of AID to reprogram $2,000,000 into the World Health Organization's "Special Programme of Research in Human Re- production." We understand that this proposal will be considered shortly, but that Senator Inouye has had reser- vations about the action. Both of us have had substantial opportunities to evaluate the WHO's overall program and its new initiatives to stimulate research pertinent to improving means for control of population growth. We are convinced that the WHO is making a highly professional effort to increase the scale, quality, and visibility of research on what is surely a critical international goal. One of us (JL) has been involved actively as a scien- tific advisor to the WHO and, in that capacity, has ob- served at first-hand the operation of this program. It is an excellent effort, which appears to be coordinated well with the international research community concerned with population research. Moreover, the WHO in this case has sought good scientific advice from the United States. One of us (RWN) has been a member of US delegations to United Nations conferences on "science and technology for development." In this context, it has become clear that unless the US takes even more vigorous leadership in assessing population issues--and pursuing the biomedical and social research pertinent to reproduction--the world- wide effort will continue to be miniscule in relation to the enormous stakes. The Honorable William S. Green 29 April 1980 -~ 2? - We have enclosed certain background materials that may be useful in your review of this subject. We would be glad to discuss the matter with you or your staff at any mutually convenient time. You can reach Joshua Lederberg at 212-360-1234 and Rodney W. Nichols at 212-360-1163. Sincerely, (obey WLU saab Joshua Lederbe Rodney W. Nichols President Executive Vice President