October 21, 1955 Dr. K. G. Atwood Biology Division Oak Ridgs National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tenn. Dear Kin— November 29 (& 30, I assume) will be fine. I am tentatively schdduling your talk for 4:90 PM on Tuesday. Do you want to offer another title, or will "Biological mechanieoms of radiation damge" cover it? This would be for a fairly general scientific audience. I am also hoping that you will give us a seminar, in the Genetics Department, on your heterokaryon studlee-— we can arrange that ad hoc. Please let ma know whether to rigidify these plans, ami tell us when and where to axpect your arrival. Needless to say, your accomodations are taken care of automatically. Yours sincerely, as) J oaks Lederberg