40 WALL STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10005 April 20, 1979 Dear Josh: Alas, there has been a misunderstanding. To our great regret, Sibyl and I cannot attend the Evening at the Rockefeller University on May 7th, from 6 until 9:30 p.m., because that is the evening of the Frick Collection's annual garden party, and Sibyl and I had previously invited several friends to dinner at our home and then to the party. I do hope you will invite us to the very next such Evening at the Rockefeller University, for we would wa greatly enjoy being present. I will encourage Harold Linder to attend on May 7th without us. He is abroad at the present time but will be back in about a week. With warm regards, Sincerely, * mr) . jr . | \ LL . a | William T. Golden wl Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President - The Rockefeller University ’ 1230 York Avenue pt New York, New York 10021 paths - "ow Oye | ce- Bd [ np!