WILLIAM T. GOLDEN 40 Walt STREET New York 1000S a - “Pebruary 7, 1979 4, “e ao f ok, \ a S Ore Peeps : on Dear Josh: Anent your note; I know George Ball only slightly, but my colleague, Harold F, Linder, knows him very well, Yes, you should try to cultivate him (for example, he would be an excellent trustee, productive both intellectually and financially). I have spoken with Harold Linder about you and about him; and Harold would be glad to serve as helpful intermediary, With warm regards, Sincerely, 3 22 a President Joshua Lederberg Crd L The Rockefeller University ant: New York, New York 10021 PM “xf [Dictated by Mr, Golden; signed and mailed in his absence, ]