[written in left margin, B] GOLDEN, W.T. Dear Bill Jan. 2, 1979 What a pleasant surprise to get your "Hanukah present" -- and especially with the personal touch you gave it. I hope to use it in part to help pay for the journals and books that can assist in the conduct of my day to day responsibilities in my new office -- which have to do now not only with science, and science affairs, but also executive oversight in a vein that is a new challenge for me -- and for which I would certainly welcome your advice. If you have a spare hour soon, please let me visit you or vice versa: I do want to try out some of my visions of R.U.! I am so glad that you have joined [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] our Council, and that you participate so vigorously already! I will certainly follow up your suggestion about Mr. Turner. All the best, for 1979 and always, Josh. P.S. I am delighted to be able to write again -- if I warm up like a baseball pitcher (sic) my shoulder's not too stiff. J