WILLIAM T. GOLDEN L ene September 7, 1978 {Dictated Aug. 30] Gep.1i 078 ce oF tye SS” Dear Josh: Your letter of August 10th was both thoughtful and informative. I have just accepted an invitation to become a member of the Rockefeller University Council and I look forward to attending its meet- ing on Monday, October 16th, to be followed by the ceremonies attendant upon your formal instal- lation. Indeed, I look forward to seeing you ere then at the luncheon to help welcome you to New York that is being given by John Bowers and the Josiah Macy, Jr, Foundation, With cordial regards, I am Sincerely yours, 1320 President Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 REE AP FE