September 13, 1955 Proteseor L. D. Epstein Chairman, Coanittee on All-Univertaity Lectures Dear Lees I would appreciate your bringing the following request to the atteation of the comaittee, The Denartment of Yeastica, by resolution of this date, proposes a leo- ture by fir. Kimball C. Aweood on the genebai topic of the Diglegical neche- olen of rediation danace te_living cella. It is also hoped that Dr. Atwood will use the occasion for other discuesions on his genetic studies of fungi. He holdas a position as research bdtologiat at the Oak Ridge National Labora- tory, operated for the Atoaic Energy Commission, and has made inportant contri- butiona te redlation biology and genetics, His topic ia, of course, 20st timely end notul@Abbending ite special technical treatment, should evoke the interest of menbera of ether departments an well es Genetics. Dean Bowers, of the Medical School, has alae expressed his particular interest. fs Dr, Atvoed would heve to trewel to and from Oak Ridge (Knoxville, Tenn.) en henorestum, {n lien of exnennea, of ahout 8100 would be eppropriate. Nr, Atwood hee not yet been consilted an to his availability, pending action of the Comittee. If posaible, ve would hope te heve him here during Cotober, cometine next nonth, /sinceresy , Joana Lederberg Provesaor of Genetics GCs M.R.Irwan, chairman PPG BE Stauffer P.S. I haw also consulted Professors Hans Ris, G.W. Keitt, and ¥. Stauffer to learn of their interest in this proposal, af which they assure m. There was not time for formal astion, but proposals will be aade for co-sponsorship by the Departments of Zoology, Botany and Plant Pathology. JL