THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OB PHARMACOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 951 BAST S8TH STREET CHICAGO + ILLINOIS 60637 Committee on Clinical Pharmacology TRL: (312) 753-3997 “February 9, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021 Dear Joshua: Thank you for the Critique of Unifying Themes of January 8, 1979 you sent me. The material is in the same line I have Pondering. I have finally put together a written draft of the William D. Stubenbord Lecture I gave at Cornell. It turned out to be more difficult than I thought. First, I did not have a finished copy when I presented the talk and second, I wanted to provide some references for you. What you will find enclosed is still a very rough draft, but I hope that it will be of some value. I would like very much to receive your impressions since I have to make the decision whether I should spend the additional time necessary to publish it. I have also enclosed a copy of the paper I wrote in a similar vein which was published in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine and a copy of Dr. Kipnis' presidential address to which I refer in my lecture. I was impressed with the ideas you have for innovative research grants. I hope that we will have the opportunity to discuss the subject again. Best personal regards. Sincerely yours, L Leon I. Goldberg, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology LIG/pmg * Ste enclosure