o” The & | 5[ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY ® University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 DLP JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT January 16, 1981 Dr. William C. Gibson Chairman Universities Council of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada V5Z1Ki Dear Bill: Knowing that Jim Linen is sending you an official welcome to The Rockefeller University Council, I want to add my own formal note of appreciation for your ac- ceptance of membership. With your interest in the Uni- versity's work, I know you will be an effective member of this special group. We look forward to seeing you when the Council meets later this month. With best wishes, Joshua Lederberg cc: Mr. James A. Linen III bec: RWN RUC Nominees File Individual File DO Route