Dick Garwin 2/25/79 in re your 278:JL 10/5/78 Tax Credits. It is a very good idea (and I mean that more than fatuously). Have you discussed it with Frank Press or Dick Atkinson? But I think many companies will demand to keep their R and D close to the vest and worry about proprietary rights and secrets. But plainly a tax credit will bolster corporate philanthropic motives and may be the most effective where there is a commons in the public exploitation of new knowledge. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Garwin, R. Is Pat Haggerty still active on this? Do you still exercise ARPANET? I log in 2-3 times per week still LEDERBERG@SUMEX. Yours, Josh. P.S. I expect to attend a fair number of the CFR early eves. If you do, please tarry for a drink. J. encl. IEEE p 253 [written in right margin, Garwin, R.]