Richard L. Garwin IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center P.O. Bor 218 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 C914) 945-2555 » September 29, 1978 Dr. Sol J. Buchsbaum Vice President Network Planning and Customer Services Bell Laboratories Room 4E 605 Holmdel, Nd 07733 Dear Sol, When we had dinner in Washington September 10, I mentioned to you my efforts over the last decadé or so, along with Pat Haggerty, to interest the world in a tax credit for contributions for the support of research in universities. You expressed the view, I believe, that that might be a good thing for small organizations, but that Bell Labs would never be interested in such a tax credit scheme. My own view is that there must be some level of tax credit at which any organization would rather give its money to a university to have research done in a field of interest to the organization (as closely specified as it can get the university to work on it), and that it is just a matter of level of tax credit that we are talking about. a You might be interested in my testimony of 04/26/78, which ID mentioned to you. The second paragraph on page 4 contains the tax credit proposal. After my testimony, I was surprised to receive the enclosed letter from Parker Coddington of Harvard University. You may be interested in this correspondence and in the H.R.3791 of 1965 which he brought to my attention. I have been thinking about the viewpoint which I understood you to express, and I must contess that there is no basis on which I can understand why an organization, no matter how big, would turn down the opportunity to do 1.7 times as much work for the money Ca 30% tax credit versus a 50% deduction for work done in its own laboratory) or Cif that is not enough incentive) 5 times as much work for the same money (90% tax credit instead of 50% deduction). Perhaps I misunderstood you. I would really like to obtain other views (preferably PAGE 2 supporting ones) in this matter, because I hope _to be able to advance the cause of tax credit for support of research in universities. Do let me Know what you think. . Sincerely yours, Richard L. Garwin Encl: 04/28/78 LTR P.L. Coddington to RLG., with enclosed H.R.3791. 05/08/78 LTR RLG to P.L. Coddington. 05/08/78 LTR RLG to L.L. Beasley. 04726/78 Testimony to the Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. ce: Branscomb, IBM Baker, Bell Labs Hannay, Bell Labs ZEn wor RLG:m1l1:272,SB