#Sonneborn (bien entendu) January 4, 1954 Dear Kim: Greetings! I hope you got back von-Neumann and Morgenstern ok. Thanks very mich, and I hope my keeping it so long did not discommode you. We will very likely see you at the symposium before very long, but I am writing now to ask whether you can glve me any leads on a place to stay at Woods Hole this summer. Fsther and [ are planning to go there during August, primarily so Tracy*and I can get together at close hand, and near a library, to talk about a book. ive hppe yeu and Barbie will be there yourself during that time, and so are not looking to be your tenants, but I thought you might know pretty well what vacancies were possibie for that time. Tracy da also tracking down the agents. ‘ie haven't settled yet whether we'li all share one larger place, or look for separates, Any ideas? I was glad to see your recent publication, but disgappointed that you never returned that ms. to Genetics, as would have been quite appropréate in my own opinion. But I hope we'll see each other in April to talk about such and pleasanter things. Best wishes to ail the Atwoods for the new year, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg