HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY 23 SHATTUCK STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 021185 « BARUJ BENACERRAF, M.D. TER AEH ESOR ent SS OMPAR. FABYAN PROFESSOR © COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY CHAIRMAN OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY 61 ? 732 197 1 February 8, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: The Harvard Medical School has decided to create a Department of Genetics. An ad hoc Committee has been appointed to consider the structure of the Department, the resources required for its implemen- tation and to search for several tenure Faculty members, including the Chairman. The members of this Committee are: Drs. Mary Ellen Avery, David Baltimore, Jonathan Beckwith, George Cahill Jr., John David, Bernard Davis, Walter Gilbert, Jerome Gross, Kurt Isselbacher, Samuel A. Latt, Paul Marks, John T. Potts, Charles C. Richardson, and Baruj Benacerraf, Chairman. The new Department of Genetics will have initially four or five tenure Faculty members and three to four times as many non- tenure members. Space for the Department is available at the Harvard Medical School, Longwood Campus (up to 8,000 square feet) and at the Massachusetts General Hospital (12,000 square feet). In addition, as part of the academic resources, which can be included in the program for genetics at the Harvard Medical School, is the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The Affiliated Hospital complex, which includes the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Robert Breck Brigham Hospital, Boston Hospital for Women (Lying-in Hospital plus the Women's Free Hospital), is constructing a multi-storied research building immediately adjacent and connected to the Medical School quadrangle. The Institute will occupy three floors of this building on a long term agreement. One, or possibly more than one, of these three floors will be devoted to research in Genetics. This Harvard Committee will assist in the recruitment by the Institute for one or more scientists in Genetics research to occupy this space and to hold \N pe joint appointments in the Institute and in the Department of Genetics of the Harvard Medical School. It is expected that completion of the building will be in 1981. Of the other tenure appointments, two will be at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and one at the Medical School, in space preferably contiguous to the space of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The Committee is very anxious to have your opinion on the at specific areas of Genetics which should be developed in this Department. They would like also to have your suggestions of candidates whom you consider worthy of consideration for tenure positions in such a Department and their possible availability. Furthermore, we would like you to identify for us individuals who, in addition to their scientific qualifications, have leadership and administrative qualities which would enable them to chair such a Department. We are particularly interested in identifying women and minority candidates suitable for these positions. ? Considering the magnitude of its task and urgency to proceed So with it, the Committee will be extremely grateful for a prompt answer to this request. Yours sincerely, D4a Mey ABE pe cle L— Baruj Benacerraf, M.D. Chairman BB/ jb