025-7974 /40/6902-0079$02.00/0 > MEDICINE . a Vol. 69, No. 2 Copyright © 1980 by The Williams & Wilkins Co. Printed in USA MS “\ Changes in Medical Therapy During the Past Half Century oe PAUL B. BEESON, M.D. RELL OTE > - + NUN ZS 1020 s SSHlce oF tHe BREE nS VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL 4435 BEACON AVENUE SO. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98108 IN REPLY June 19, 1980 REFER TO: Dr. Joshua Lederberg President, Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I have always been a little quizzical about people who send reprints of their publications when no request -fer—the-reprint has been forth- coming. However, I Sending you the enclosed reprint » the request of Walsh McDermott. _ oe ees eens PEN * With kindest regards, so Sincerely yours,’ - “7 y “) “ fi a LBA [Fics ae Paul B. Beeson id —— oo Encl.