LLEEA Lp pli op © THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY rm Z 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 Oo *\ Universit Rockefeller y JOSHUA LEDERBERG August 17, 1979 PRESIDENT Dr. David Baltimore Department of Biology Room E17-517A Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Dear David: I was happy to hear from Igor Tamm that you will be able to participate in the colloquium on October 5 commemorating the 100th birthday of Peyton Rous. This is to extend my own per- sonal invitation not only to the colloquium but to an informal luncheon that day. I am enclosing a brief outline of the program for your guidance. There will be no printed program, but it would be helpful to have in advance a sentence or two from you summa- rizing your presentation. I hope the October gathering will recapture the same tone of informality, nostalgic warmth, and spirited scientific exchange that marked the colloquium earlier this year on the 35th anniversary of the publication of the DNA paper by Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty. (I suspect you will enjoy having a copy of the enclosed souvenir.) A room has been reserved for you on campus for the nights of October 4 and 5. I look forward to seeing you again. Thank you for joining us. Cordially, Joshua Lederberg cc: Hidesaburo Hanafusa Purnell Choppin Igor Tamm Rodney W. Nichols Enclosure - souvenir booklet