May 22, 1951. Dear Kin- You ean probably best anawer this in person at CSH; if I had finished my s., T'd be hanpler about the trip-—- I1'21 bet you're in the same bost. Have you considered this possibility?- Accept that the initial h- and he arising from it ere selectively equivakent in your medium, and that the initial rise of h+ is cheoked by non-sepecific PS, Suppose, however, that there were adaptations which were only or more effective in h- than h+ timupckam; and the converse. The result would be that predcminantly le populations woud fix modifiers that select against h+, and wice versa. The ultimate equilibrina would, then, be one cf mation as againat selectiicn, although your initial cultures do not necessarily start out that way. This can be checked, of course, by comparing h+ from terminal he, ageinet that i, with the luitial pairs. It#would account for the con- tinuation of an squilibriua. Do your fully adapted cultures cn synthetic medium grow as rapidly as their counterparts on complete? that would seem to fix some sort of lhait oa tue potentiality for adaptation. Thanks for the information on Woods Hole. Right now it lAoks as if we may est up thera for a fow days, but don't want to be tied down to a definite conmal tment. We@ll see all of you scon- \ Sinserely, i t i fe Joshua Lederberg